Monday, May 25, 2020
The Epidemic of Police Brutality - 1046 Words
Police are abusing their power, of their badge, instead of serve and protect; their ignoring and abusing. Theres been many killings (almost about 5,000 people),abusing, and people being ignored from police, Why? For nearly 50 years, a deadly and effective attack has been orchestrated against local police departments all throughout the United States and most Americans do not even realize it is happening. News people like CNN, CBS, or Fox 4 News sometimes get a scoop of the police beating, but more has been a happening all around the USA or anywhere else in the world, and it needs to stop. Can we even trust the police to protect us from harm anymore? â€Å"Trust makes for a sense of being safe or of being free of fear, enough so that ones†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The nation’s 17,000 law enforcement agencies set their own rulesâ€â€and when citizens cry foul, the courts spit out wildly inconsistent results.Pick up the paper any day and there’s an excessive force case here and an excessive force case there, and yet there’s no national data at all, says William Terrill, a professor of criminal justice at Michigan State University. Charlotte police killed five people last year, the most in a decadeâ€â€but less, City Manager Ron Carlee told the Charlotte Observer, than were killed by police in Washington (49), Memphis (42), Fort Worth (32), or Austin (17), all of which have seen their own numbers creep upward.†(Dokoupil) There so many cases and even videos of police beating people or even just ignoring the fact that the people might have a problem and need help, but the police don’t even have the time to acknowledge them. They will do the first thing that comes to their mind when they see someone that is breaking the law. That is beating or arresting that person. They may have been an innocent bystander. This abuse is mostly reflected on Mexicans and African Americans, and for some reason there barely any news of a Caucasian being almost beaten to death by an officer of the law. How can police be so ruthless to others. I know not all police are brutal as some are, but that doesnt mean they could change, likeShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality Is An Epidemic1394 Words  | 6 PagesPolice Brutality Cases â€Å"When you have police officers who abuse citizens, you erode public confidence in law enforcement. That makes the job of good police officers unsafe.†(Berry) Recently police brutality has become an alarming issue in society. At the end of 2015, thousands of deaths resulted in accusing victims dying in police custody. Individuals in communities across the state are beginning to lose faith in law enforcement in their ability to properly do their jobs. Providing police officersRead MorePolice Brutality Reflects Negatively On Society1161 Words  | 5 PagesNaJee Hull-Goings Mrs. Fritz English 12 7 March 2017 Police Brutality The increase in police brutality reflects negatively on society. Police officers should maintain charges when they abuse their power of authority. Police brutality mostly happens to young, small, and poor kids in the streets that do not live in a home with their biological family (Berezina 2). Police treat young street adults as if they do not know how to act. Police brutality appears to be rampant because of racism, lack of trainingRead MoreRacial Profiling And Its Impact On Society Essay1435 Words  | 6 Pagessociety more and more Black men and women suffer from police bias. Police is a powerful organization that was meant to serve and protect. Enforce laws and keeping communities safe. The problem is we fail to acknowledge that police are humans with real life bias. The problem with police is how much racial profiling is going up, Racial profiling is an epidemic. It has negatively impacted communities for generations. THe use of race by American police in their policing activities has received much attentionRead MorePolice Brutality : Minorities Under Attack944 Words  | 4 PagesPolice Brutality: Minorities under attack On April 19, 2015 at approximately 7 a.m., Freddie Grey, a 25-year-old black man from Baltimore, Maryland died by mysterious causes. After being chased down and thrown into a police van by police officers, he was taken out of the van unresponsive and soon, â€Å"...lapsed into a coma, died, was resuscitated, stayed in a coma and on Monday, underwent extensive surgery at Shock Trauma to save his life (Ford, 2015). Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, and Eric Garner areRead MorePersuasive Essay On Police Brutality1079 Words  | 5 Pagessimplest procedures such as a traffic stop. Most do not even want to encounter a policer officer. The reason why? Police brutality. The article Police Brutality by gale defines police brutality as: The use of unnecessary, excessive force by police in their encounters with civilians. The force used is beyond what would be considered necessary in the situation at hand. (Police Brutality). The same individuals who are supposed to protect and serve the citizens of the United States have instilledRead MorePolice Enforcement And The Minority Community Essay1697 Words  | 7 PagesThe power of authority allowed police officers to use brutality on many people, which turned out to be a problem to many Americans. Why do officer’s do this? It is still an unanswered question. The police in general have a bad scheme against the non-police officers and are more suspicious of minorities assuming that they are troublemakers and deserve to be brutally hurt than to be brought to justice. In addition, the United States court systems are backing up the police officers and showing brilliantRead MoreThe Violence Of Police Officers Essay1431 Words  | 6 Pagesmotivated police brutality and societal discrimination. Though his efforts were not in vain, today’s media representation of law enforcement impacts the societal cultivation of police officers in a negative way. Media outlets, in the forms of television , radio, or social websites, create a cynical view of police officers, which influences societal beliefs and creates negative connotations. These days, police are often stereotyped as aggressive, corrupt beings. The growing hatred for police officersRead MorePolice Brutality Is Becoming Worse And More Documented With The Use Of Cell Phones1399 Words  | 6 PagesMy topic is going to be on police brutality. I chose this topic because police brutality is becoming worse and more documented with the use of cell phones. There are several ways to define police brutality. One way is regarding excessive force or displays of power that are stronger than is necessary to keep a situation safe and in control. I wanted to do more investigating on this topic, since more cases of police brutality which have been recorded have been surfacing on new outlets, to enlightenRead MoreThe Relationship Between Police Brutality And African Americans1350 Words  | 6 Pagesracial ideology. These forms of discrimination cause racial inequalities which bring about a lack of opportunity and mistreatment. This paper will focus on the relationsh ip between police brutality and African Americans. Let me be clear though police brutality affects the lives of minorities in general, but mostly this epidemic causes repercussions for African Americans due to racial ideologies by individuals as well as institutions. The systemic injustice towards African American is a result of institutionalizedRead MorePolice Brutality Essay1724 Words  | 7 PagesPolice brutality is one of multiple forms of racial discrimination which involves unjustifiable violence by police officers. This term was first referred to in the works of the American press as early as 1872 in a report of a policeman beating of a civilian. These targeted civilian groups by police officers typically are those from powerless groups like minorities (Latinos and African-Americans), the youth, as well as the poor. There has been a notable lack of commitment in the criminal justice system
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Effects Of Nutrition On Children And Adolescent s...
en s behavior? Nutrition plays a pivotal role in children and adolescent’s growth and development. It affects their ability to learn, function properly, and their behaviors. The brain and body both require proper nutrition in order to be healthy. Therefore, it is crucial to have an in depth understanding of proper nutrition in order to ensure children are functioning at their best. Studies show that children’s nutrition can directly affect their mental capacity. For instance, iron deficiencies decrease dopamine transmission, which negatively impacts cognitive processes. Lacking proper nutrition can cause deficiencies in vitamins such as thiamine, vitamin E, vitamin B, iodine, and zinc and minerals, which can also impair cognitive abilities and mental concentration. The four main dietary components known to alter children’s behavior are gluten and dairy, refined sugars, and caffeine. Gluten and dairy are natural dietary elements yet are still known to have adverse effects on bo dily functions. Refined sugars and caffeine are considered unnatural and too inhibit optimal functioning. These dietary components are found to result in unfavorable behaviors in children. These behaviors include tantrums, screaming, anger, restlessness, insomnia, and irritability. The primary causes of these negative behaviors reside in the diets of children and through the consumption of these mind-modifying foods. Amendments of diet can improve unwanted behaviors in children. Gluten, dairy,Show MoreRelatedLearning Styles And Sociocultural Influences On Child And Adolescent Development1641 Words  | 7 Pagesessay will describe child and adolescent behaviours reported in the media and will examine the link to development theories, learning styles and sociocultural influences on child and adolescent development. 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Permissive parents are more demandingRead MorePhysical and Cognitive Development1246 Words  | 5 PagesPhysical and Cognitive Development PSY/ 103 Introduction to Psychology This paper is will focus on the influences of physical and cognitive development in adolescence from 12 to 18 years of age. This part of the developmental stage has many factors that affect the physical development as well as the cognitive development in adolescence. In addition to influences of physical and cognitive development this paper will also focus on the hereditary and environmental influences that makeRead MoreNutrition And Motivational Interviewing : The Health And Healing1273 Words  | 6 PagesNutrition and Motivational Interviewing in Adolescence Health and Healing 1 Georgian College Harrison Klein 200321230 Although we all know what nutrition is, are we nutritious? Do we have the education and knowledge to be nutritious? A lot of people do not, and that is why this topic is relevant to society, especially adolescence. No matter what, good nutrition is essential for everyone, but it is especially important for growing teenagers. Proper nutritionRead MoreEssay on The Media Influence on Body Image925 Words  | 4 Pageswealth and success.(14). Where as images of women have become slimmer since the 1950’s according to Jennifer A. (Australian journal of nutrition and dietetics). Abraham and Mira warnes in 1988 that health educators and health professionals should weigh up carefully the benefits of weight loss against the risks of inducing psychological disturbances such as eating disorders and adverse physiological side effects such as dieting and severe weight loss†¦(37)(ajn). Media has played a great role overRead MoreThe Maternal Mortality Of South Africa Essay1389 Words  | 6 Pagesgirls’ are HIV positive (Amnesty International 2014; DOH 2013a). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
President Jfk s Inaugural Speech - 2098 Words
Since the foundation and establishment of the United States of America, Americans, either as a civilian or a politician, have sought after peace and unity. Leaders throughout our history have exploited manifold means to achieve this idealized notion, including diplomacy, appeasement, ransom, and, ironically, war. John F. Kennedy, a young, brilliant, and Catholic Democrat, delivered his inaugural speech on a frigid January 20, 1961. JFK’s inauguration became the first inaugural speech to ever be given on live television; therefore, Kennedy’s rhetorical skills and appearance played a large roll in the viewers’ initial impressions of their newly elected president. Televising JFK’s inaugural speech consequently magnified the audience directly receiving his speech, which now including almost all television-owning Americans. Like many other presidents, JFK delivered an extensive, yet general, outline of what his four next years in office will look like for Ameri cans. However, unlike many other presidents, JFK won the presidential race by a very small margin, which required him to mitigate and mollify the opposing political party’s members. He was unable to introduce any cataclysmic changes that he intended to make because many Americans would be outraged. Due to the cold weather and uneasy tension about a close presidential race, JFK inevitably delivered a succinct message to celebrate his victory, appease the opposing party’s members, and give a guideline to show how the nextShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of John F. Kennedy s Inaugural Address Essay1566 Words  | 7 PagesRhetorical Analysis of John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address Tanner A. Woody Anderson University On January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered a speech with a backdrop of snow and a twenty-degree wind blowing in his face in Washington D.C. In his speech, he starts off with saying that his victory is not for a party but it is for freedom. At the climax of his speech, JFK delivers a call to action which is also the most well-known line from his speech: â€Å"†¦ask not what your country canRead MoreLeslie Cardoso. Leslie Cardoso. Ap English 3. P.3.1082 Words  | 5 PagesLeslie Cardoso Leslie Cardoso Ap English 3 p.3            The JFK Inaugural Address On January 20, 1961, John Fitzgerald Kennedy delivered one of America s few standout inaugural addresses and one of the finest speeches in American history. By invoking the American dream and extending its promise to the rest of the world, Kennedy s speech was an inspirational call to action that resonates even today. John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, The article â€Å"Inside Kennedy’s Inauguration, 50 YearsRead MoreThe Inaugural Speech By Franklin D. Roosevelt1246 Words  | 5 Pagesbehind it. In the event that it is a decent speech, there will bolster proof for its claims. At the point when contrasting three inaugural speeches given by Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama, we find that these chronicled moments accompanied a comparable basic purpose, which was to set an agenda for the fate of their presidency. President Roosevelt in his inaugural speech first realized the importance of his presidency, the speech and the US. He mentioned that the thing theRead MoreJohn F. Kennedy s Inaugural Speech2478 Words  | 10 Pages Kennedy’s Inaugural speech on January 20, 1961had a great impact on the American public (ar100). His speech is famous for it’s eloquence and ending call to action, challenging the American public to, â€Å"ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country (JFK 1).†Traditionally, inaugural speeches are given to unify the nation and provide a clear picture of what the future will look like throughout the presidency. During the time of Kennedy’s inaugural speech, the AmericanRead MoreHum/105 Cultural Heroes1583 Words  | 7 Pagesshe remains a symbol of faith, purity, courage, and conviction. John Fitzgerald Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) is remembered as a courageous war hero, a charismatic speaker, and a straight forward Politian. The Kennedy family holds popular American interest like the royal family does in England. His publically televised assassination in Dallas shocked the nation. JFK was born into a large family in 1917. He was named after his maternal grandfather who served as mayor of Boston. JackRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of President Kennedy s Inaugural Speech2018 Words  | 9 PagesWhat rhetorical features does President Kennedy use to achieve his desired purpose? Introduction Politicians often use language to both persuade and imperceptibly control the opinions/decisions of their audience: whether it is to gain their support, to present their point, or implant their principles. It is of utmost importance to them to do this subtly, in order to not come across as too aggressive, intimidating or manipulative. As a result, the politician has to use language that is relatableRead MorePresident John F. Kennedy1220 Words  | 5 PagesPresident John â€Å"Jack†Fitzgerald Kennedy was born May 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts to Rose Kennedy and Joseph P. Kennedy. John F. Kennedy, also known as JFK, had three brothers and five sisters. Young John, â€Å"Jack†as he was known by, attended a boarding school for boys in Connecticut. Here he was active in football, golf, tennis, and basketball. Once Jack graduated Choate in 1936, he entered Harvard. It was while he was studying at Harvard that he injured his back while playing football,Read MoreTh e Legacy Of John F. Kennedy s Inaugural Address1030 Words  | 5 Pagescharming, prominent, and youngest American presidents of our time. He brought ideas and plans to make America a better place when he stepped into office. His run as president was so unique because he had set out plans for office, but he was assassinated before he could go through with some of them. Vice president Lyndon B. Johnson stepped up to the challenge to continue Kennedy’s plans (John F. Kennedy). John F. Kennedy’s domestic policies in the Civil Right s Movement and the peace corps organizationRead MoreJohn Fitzgerald Kennedy in Office Essay887 Words  | 4 PagesAmericans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.†This is a quote that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy used during his terms of presidency before he was assassinated in 1964. For many, his assassination remains one of the most traumatic events in their memory and even history. A lthough, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was much more than a president that got assassinated while in office. While still attending college at Harvard University, Kennedy volunteered forRead MorePresident Lyndon B. Johnson1370 Words  | 6 Pagesone president that is phenomenal is Lyndon Baines Johnson. Lyndon has changed society from 1963 to 1969, with his Great Society Programs, Civils Rights Act, and many more that has impacted society since he came to office. Johnson was born in August 1908 Stonewall, Texas and died in Stonewall, Texas in January 1973, he was the 36th president, married to Lady Bird Johnson. LBJ succeeded by Richard Nixon. He was Vice President under JFK, John F. Kennedy, from 1961 to 1963 then became president in 1963
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Improve Concentration free essay sample
It is mostly due to peer pressure. In such a situation, parents are often seen questioning the counsellors as what can be done to encourage their child to concentrate and also have good social skills at the same time. Well, here are a few answers. The key to having good concentration is being smart. The child should be smart enough to concentrate while having fun. This can be done in many ways. While in class, if he/she is finding it hard to concentrate, here are a few tips they can adopt in order to improve their concentration skills. . Sit in the front row. Sitting in the front row helps you steer away from distractions like speaking to your friends, whispering or even passing notes. The closer you sit to the teacher, the better you understand. 2. Participate in class. The people who concentrate, know that the key to good concentration is participation. We will write a custom essay sample on Improve Concentration or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Ask questions, start a discussion, debate with the teacher. It might sound to be geeky, but once you get the hang of it, its hard to get out. It is a lot of fun and you also learn extra. . Strategize your notes. Jotting down the points the teacher says is something which every child in class does. Dont be stereotypical. Dont make notes, instead make learning strategies. Its fun and at the same time itll make you stand out and you also will be entitled to think out of the box. 4. Turn off your phone. Having a phone is a major distraction. In class, make sure your phone is turned off. Dont cheat yourself by profiling it to vibrate or silent. Turn it off, be honest to yourself. Nothing will jar your concentration more than getting a text from your friend during a class. 5. Get some good breakfast. It can be really hard to concentrate when your stomach is growling away the hunger. Its hard to concentrate on what is being taught when youre raiding a buffet in your mind. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. But ensure that you dont fill your stomach to an extent where it will make you sleepy. 6. Have props while studying. Having a prop to play with while studying can make studying so much fun. For example : If you are studying about the earth, have a globe in your hand. Turn it around, see where the countries are located, play with the globe. This will make studying easier. 7. Use gadgets for studying. If you are bored of using the same old paper and books, use e-books. Buy an iPad or simply make notes on your laptop. 8. Have group study parties. Invite a bunch of friends over to your house and call it a study party. This not only sounds cool but is also beneficial. It will help you to study and will also improve your social status. But all you have to ensure is that you actually study with those friends and not just waste time in talking, dancing and playing around. 9. Exercise everyday. Yoga and meditation is the best way of improving ones concentration skills. Even 10 minutes of meditation will calm your mind and will help you concentrate with a clear mind. I have been practicing these tips for a long time. And it has helped me achieve a lot of things in my life. I suggest the readers to follow these guidelines and be successful in your life.
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